Why do the women get all the fun - are there not also Jezebel men in the congregations as well?
This type of attitude really p****s me off.
The society directs the Elders to perpetuate the myth of inequality through articles designed to paint a derogatory picture of women.
They label us with offensive innuendos that keep chipping away at our supposedly 'weak' characters,
untrustworthy natures and Matahari like conniving tendancies for spiritually or sexually 'ruining' any man ( as if he is powerless to resist )
Do they think they are so weak that they cannot help their fall from grace once we set our sights on corrupting them ?
Or are all women, whether outside or within the congregation; potential 'Eve's' just awaiting their opportunity to be the executer of the next man's ruination ?
I have always had a problem with male 'authority' in any situation due to an overbearing, cold and abusive father and struggled with 'subjecting' myself to men within the congregation, which was partly the reason for my perceived 'attitude' problem.
I now choose to reject all scripture that leads the reader to think women are inferiorto men and need their direction.
So, I have had to reject the Bible in my life at this point.I still try to keep to the good principles within it; sermon on the mount etc; but the abuse of women within it's pages is so monsterous that I can't tolerate any Christian man now if they start spouting 'wifely subjection' passages at me.
The only reason I would intermittantly accept their 'authority' was that the scripture that women should keep quiet and not teach would be thrown at me and I could'nt argue with it- it was there in black and white and if I wanted to be approved of I had to accept it and hope those 'taking the lead' would'nt abuse their position; but they did.
Now I can fully reject all those scriptures and go back to being the man -hating women I always was ( joke ! )
Thanks for this Jgnat; boy , am I glad to be out of there.
Termite of the 'I-love -men-but-could'nt- eat- a- whole- one ' class